Photo by Mike Benna

I cannot remember the year, it was a long time ago though, a time when I was younger, thinner, had more hair and found it easier to smile. (I am told by Dave that it was possibly about 1996 so let’s go with that)

There was a park we sometimes went to and on this particular day the sun was warm even though it was mid autumn (I think).

There was a group of us, maybe 10/15 people in total, we met up at a bar that we used to go to and once everybody was there we made our way to the park, found an open space near some trees and we found our own places to sit on the grass where we all stretched out and relaxed.

Several people had brought coolers that were filled with beer and ice and we started to make our way through the contents. After getting to the stage where I was feeling warm and fluffy I lay back on the grass. Several blades ticked the back of my neck and my eyes squinted from the bright light so I closed them. I love laying back on the grass (or sand of on a beach) closing my eyes and just listening to the sounds.

This particular day wasn’t that great for that because everyone was talking but you could still feel the slight breeze on exposed skin, the smell of the plants and wind drifting across you. It makes you day dream a little.

I cannot remember all who were there, obviously I was, my mate Dave and his then girlfriend Lisa, but I cannot “see” anyone else in my minds eye, but there was between 10 and 15 of us, it was a good day. Free of worry and bad stuff and just a nice chillaxed moment with people I knew (but have since lost contact with bar Dave).

Do you get anything from this picture/post? Is it just a bit meh for you or do you find something rich and interesting in it? Please share your thoughts either way.

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