It starts anywhere between 12.30am and 3.30am and it jolts me from my sleep. One or more people in the flat above us are walking around, opening and close drawers. Sometimes it lasts 10 minutes other times it seems like an hour (what are these people doing?) Occasionally ill bang on the ceiling; sometimes the noise stops, sometimes it doesn’t.

I struggle to get back to sleep but when I do, I may had have a weird dream that pull me from that fitful rest, and then I struggle to get back to sleep.

Come 4.30am onwards, there are the birds. The droll, boring cooing of wood Pigeons just beyond my window, and sometimes the cawing of Magpies or Crows.

7am hits then it is upstairs again, this time their 3 small kids (between 2 and 5 y/o), bomp, bomp bomp as they run along the laminated hallway, then the inevitable crying and screaming of one of those kids. I think this is one of most unhappy, miserable human beings I have encountered, its default action is scream and cry be I when they get up, when they are back from wherever their parents take them to when they go to bed. This is my life most nights, it is draining and depressing that I cannot, even once get a good solid 7 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Oh how I could do with some Silentium, a pocket of peace that I could just spend some time in, curl up in a ball, close my eyes and drift off into a lovely, peaceful, dream free, noise free sleep to wake up refresh and invigorated.

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